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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cash Flow


So I've been a little busy. I've been neglecting this blog. My intentions for this blog are good - I promise. I want to help others by trying to develop my wealth along the way.

Well...It looks like I'm due for another Adsense check. This is a great service. I haven't checked my Adsense account since January, right around the time I last received a check from the folks at Google. I haven't updating any of my blogs since then either, but it looks like I'm due for a check for $117 - for doing nothing!!! I promised, I will place this money in my Charles Schwab investor checking account and watch it grow. This money, over time, will grow as I make my contributions. I can use it for a down-payment on an apartment building, business, etc. Whatever I decide to use the money for, the bottom line (and ultimate message for you) is that I will ultimately use this FREE money to make more money, which is the ultimate sign of building wealth.

I'd love to hear any new ideas you folks might have to share regarding what your "cash flow" investments. I love to hear success stories and I'm sure as more readers catch on, they will too. I think it's best to help yourself by helping others first. So, feel free to chime in. For now, I'll leave you with that.

1 comment:

Twologix said...

awesome blog fantastic post keep share like article really very informative for me.

Positive cash flow property