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Thursday, July 2, 2009

My latest AdSense check!

Ok. So I got another AdSense check the other day and I cashed it out cause my wife and I needed some pocket cash. The check was for $106. Not bad considering I hardly touch this blog given my hectic lifestyle of being a busy young professional and new dad. I did manage to purchase some real estate investing books with my portion of the money - staying true to the whole premise of this blog. I take the money I earn using Google's AdSense program and use it in ways to either further my financial education or enable me to purchase further investments that will make me rich! The thinking here by buying these books will be to further my understanding of real estate and real estate investment. If you didnt know already by now, the majority of millionaires in this country either made their fortune or have a sizable portion of their wealth in real estate. So, my ultimate goal is to develop wealth using a variety of media, including securities and real estate. I have been staying true to my word about putting my AdSense earning in a high interest checking account, but there is nothing major to write home about there because that high interest checking account is paying like ZERO interest because of the economy. So, with this most recent check, I splurged about bought a couple books. I'll give a book review of each of the books I'm reading as I go through them and give you pearls of knowledge to take with you. Until next time...

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